What is Liquid Type Water Mist Fire Extinguishing, What are its Features?
What is Liquid Type Water Mist Fire Extinguishing?
Liquid type water mist extinguishing system is a system in which fine water droplets are sprayed with high pressure to control or extinguish burns. These fine water droplets evaporate rapidly when in contact with fire and the temperature drops during the evaporation process. Liquid type water mist extinguishing system provides an effective solution by narrowing the combustion zone from the combustion control point. DORIS FIRE liquid type water mist system allows fires to be taken under control quickly due to the rapid evaporation of water.
What are the Features?
Operation Based on Water Mist: This system uses water droplets with a high rate of spraying of water. While extinguishing the fire, the water mist ensures that this fire is quickly brought under control in the area.
Rapid Fire Extinguishing: The fine droplets of water mist quickly evaporate when in contact with fire, which causes the heat to be extinguished and reduces the interruptions of the flashover. Therefore, liquid type water mist systems have the ability to extinguish quickly.
Less Water Usage: Liquid type water mist extinguishing system uses less water than traditional water guns. This prevents water from being wasted and helps conserve water.
Reduced Water Damage: The system minimises water damage as it uses fine water droplets during the extinguishing process. It is especially preferred in areas that can be affected by water damage such as electronic parts.
Environmentally Friendly: DORIS Water Mist products are an environmentally friendly option. Because chemical foams or other extinguishing agents are not used, the environment is not damaged.
Wide Areas of Use: This system can be used in many different areas such as industrial plants, automobiles, electric buses and agricultural vehicles.
Automatic and Manual Control: The system is automatically triggered by faulty detection devices or can be activated manually.
An Innovative Solution for Fire Safety: DORIS FIRE WATER MIST!
As a result, the DORIS FIRE system offers an important innovation in the field of liquid type water mist safety. This system minimises water damage by quickly controlling fires. We continue to work as a pioneer in Water Mist systems, which have been widely used in recent years.
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