What are the Usage Preferences of Water Mist Fire Extinguishing System?

Doris Water Mist water mist systems are fire suppression systems that use very small water droplets to control fires. These droplets are effective in controlling fires by using less water and having smaller pipes than standard sprinkler systems due to the increased cooling effects, oxygen displacement and pre-wetting provided by droplet size and distribution. 
We have compiled the details of the purpose of the water mist fire extinguishing system for you with the details in this article!

What is the Purpose of the Water Mist Fire Extinguishing System?
The main purpose of the Doris Water Mist Water Mist Fire Extinguishing System is to control and effectively extinguish fires with a rapid intervention at the onset of fires. This system creates water mist by separating water into very small droplets with a special spray technology. This water mist acts like a smoke screen when sprayed on the fire and provides various advantages. Purposes of water mist fire extinguishing system: 
- Fire Control and Extinguishing: Doris Water Mist system aims to effectively control and extinguish fires. Water mist prevents the fire from spreading by suppressing it.
- Protection of High Temperature Equipment: The system prevents the growth of damage by rapidly cooling components such as turbo, exhaust, alternator, which operate or are exposed to high temperatures in case of fire. 
- Environmentally Friendly Water Use: Doris Water Mist aims to minimise environmental impact by using less water than conventional water extinguishing systems.
- Wide Application Areas: The system can be used in various areas. Doris Water Mist is suitable for many different areas of use, from agricultural vehicles, buses, electric buses, electric cars, construction machinery and diesel-fuelled buses. In this way, it offers an effective fire extinguishing solution.
- High Pressure Spray Technology: Using high-pressure spray technology, Doris Water Mist divides water droplets into very small sizes and delivers them over longer distances, thus providing a more effective performance in fire fighting.

In short, Doris Water Mist Water Mist Fire Extinguishing System aims to provide a more effective and environmentally friendly solution in fire fighting thanks to these features.